- အမွန္ကို ခ်စ္ပါ - အပုိင္း (၈)
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ေဒါက္တာဇာနည္ ရွင္းျပသည့္ ရုိဟင္ဂ်ာ

All terrorists, involved in the Violences of Meiktila and other parts of Myanmar, should be arrested immediately and actions must be taken against them according to law as soon as possible. For transparency, all names of terrorists and their respective crimes should be announced in the newspapers. Actions shouldn't be delayed.Otherwise, it will be difficult for government to prevent further potential violences across the nation. We have a very good example in Rakhine State. On 3rd June 2012, 10 people were murdered in Taung Goap Township. Murderers have not been arrested yet. Thus terrorists dared to continue and Sittwe Township bacame as if previous South Africa. Again no action was taken transparently and effectively. Therefore, terrorists bacame braver and plotted second phase of violence in October 2012 and spreaded to other townships within a short period. Finally social economic lives of all communities within the Rakhine state is widely affected. When some significant actions were taken against terrorists in November 2012, all further potential mass violences are stopped. But so many things are still remaining to reach Normalcy.